Usui Reiki certification training.

Level I, Level II & Mastership.

Become a certified Reiki Practitioner!

Level I

Usui Reiki Level I training is the entry-level training where you are taught the basic fundamentals, our lineage, history of Usui Reiki and self healings. In this level you will receive your first attunement of the symbol, Cho Ku Rei. This attunement fine tunes your pranic tube, pineal and pituitary glands, opening up your channel. This initiation allows you to complete self healings and healings on family and friends. After completing the Level I training, you may experience a period of change and cleansing, this is part of the detoxification process. This training is a pre-requisite for Level II training (practitioner level). If you feel the call to step into your role as a Reiki Practitioner, we suggest at least 2-3 months between trainings to integrate these ancient teachings.

$100 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot in this training.

Level II

Usui Reiki Level II training is a practitioner level. In this level you will receive your second and third attunements of both Sei He Ki and Hon Sha Ze Cho Nen. Sei He Ki is the second Reiki symbol the supports you in connecting to the inner child or highest self. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the distant symbol which attunes a Reiki practitioner to hold space for distant healings. You will deepen your connection with these two symbols as well as learning their processes. This level also teaches how to hold space for group healings, healing unwanted habits, healing distant events as well as creating a Divine business plan.

$150 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot in this training.

Practitioner Package

Want to fully commit to your trainings and become a certified Reiki practitioner? In our Practitioner package, you will be able to commit to both our Level I & Level II Usui Reiki certification trainings. Receive a discount when you book in both of your trainings! Your Level II can be booked after 2-3 months of your Level I training.

$200 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot in this training.


Usui Reiki Mastership training is the final training under the Usui System of Natural Healing and attunes the student in becoming a Reiki Master. In this level you will become attuned to the Mastership symbol Dai Ko Myo. Complete a questionnaire with 80 questions and essay components. You will learn ethical guidelines for Reiki Masters/Teachers as well as learning the sacred attunement process. To finish this training, you will birth your own Reiki symbol to use in your practice and receive further business support and guidance.

$300 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot in this training.

Please note: All certification trainings are I:I with Reiki Master Chloe. Sol Alchemy no longer offers Group Reiki certification trainings.

How do you know if this training is for you?

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    You’re on a journey of spiritual growth.

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    You have a deep desire to support others.

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    You’re feeling the call to enhance your intuitive and psychic abilities.

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    You have a dream of starting a soulful business.

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    You crave a space where you are guided and supported.

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    You’re ready to dive deeper into your healing journey.


Discover the transformative experiences of our past students inside our Usui Reiki certification trainings! Hear firsthand how this training has empowered them on their healing journey.

Usui Reiki training modules

In our Level I training you will receive:

𖦹 Reiki I training booklet
𖦹 Certification in Reiki I
𖦹 Our Lineage
𖦹 What is Energy Life force energy
𖦹 The History of Reiki
𖦹 The Reiki principles
𖦹 The benefits of Reiki
𖦹 A guided meditation and sound bath to connect with your Spirit Guides
𖦹 How to practice self treatment
𖦹 An attunement to the first sacred symbol ‘Cho Ku Rei’ to access the universal energy to heal with hand
𖦹 Uses for ‘Cho Ku Rei’
𖦹 The Chakra system
𖦹 How to deepen your psychic abilities
𖦹 The 11 Clairs
𖦹 Ritual and creating space for healing
𖦹 Protecting your energy
𖦹 How to give a Reiki treatment on a client
𖦹 Ego vs Soul (Integral and intention healing)
𖦹 Reiki aftercare

Level I

Level II

In our Level II training you will receive:

𖦹 Reiki II training booklet
𖦹 Certification in Reiki II
𖦹 History of Sei He Ki and what this symbol is
𖦹 Uses of Sei He Ki
𖦹 How to use Se He Ki in a Reiki treatment
𖦹 Questions to ask using Se He Ki
𖦹 History of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and what this symbol is
𖦹 How to conduct distant healings
𖦹 Two sacred attunements
𖦹 Guided meditation to connect with Inner Child or Highest Self
𖦹 Healing unwanted habits
𖦹 Healing for distant events
𖦹 How to hold space for group healings
𖦹 Incorporating healings into your services/business
𖦹 Creating a personal Divine service plan for your business which includes discussion of structure, pricing, testimonials, insurance, your avatar/ideal client/audience, tools/resource, space, calendar, website/booking system, marketing, social media, T&Cs, policies (cancellations/no shows), energetic limits/boundaries as a spaceholder and any other questions that may come up. This discussion isn’t limited to the above themes.

In our Mastership (Level III) training you will receive:

𖦹 Mastership training booklet
𖦹 Certification in Level III
𖦹 What does Mastership mean to you
𖦹 Usui Reiki Mastership questionnaire with 80 questions and essay components
𖦹 Ethical guidelines for Reiki Masters/Teachers Sacred attunement of Di Ko Mio and learning the symbol Raku
𖦹 How to hold space and prep for Teaching- Teaching of the sacred attunement process
𖦹 Birthing your own Reiki symbol through a guided meditation
𖦹 Basic mechanics of learning
𖦹 Creating your own certificates
𖦹 Support with business, creating your training booklets and finding your own flow as a Reiki Master


Meet your Teacher


Hi, I’m Reiki Master Chloe.

Reiki completely changed my life and now I have the privilege of supporting other beautiful souls to change theirs! When I reflect back it’s still hard to fathom how much my life has changed since completing my trainings! I work full time in this beautiful space and I feel so blessed to be able to teach and attune the most beautiful souls to this incredible healing modality.

I remember coming home from my first training and was in awe of the teachings. I instantly knew I wanted to invest in all the trainings because I could see the power and magic this modality holds! 2 weeks later, I quit my full time job of running 2 child care centres and I began working on myself, so I could show up in this capacity! It’s been a massive journey but the awareness and teachings I’ve gained through this is something I’ll forever be grateful for!! For me, it was a reremembering!

Reiki truly is my heart and soul!! I’m still in awe of the incredible people I connect with through teaching Reiki!! In 2 years of becoming a Reiki Master, I’ve attuned over 60 beautiful souls to this modality and my heart is so beyond full knowing that I get to continue to do this work! Over this time, my trainings have also shifted as I continue to expand my knowledge of Reiki and our beautiful lineage! I am so grateful for Reiki, it was the gateway into where I am today and I’m so excited to continue teaching this powerful modality!!

Want to become a certified
Reiki Practitioner?

Fill out our Reiki Waitlist form below and we will be in contact with you soon.

𖦹 Usui Reiki FAQs 𖦹

  • Usui Shiki Ryoho - the Usui System of Natural Healing - is a form Japanese energy healing. This form of healing was founded by Mikao Usui in Japan a little over 100 years ago.

    The word ‘Reiki’ can be translated as ‘universal life energy’ and the Usui System is a way of working with this energy for healing of the self and others.

    Usui Reiki is passed on from Master to student through teachings and attunements - it encompasses many practices and initiations.

    This form of energy healing is used for stress reduction, relaxation and the promotion of healing.

    Reiki is a hands-on energy healing art. Dr Usui said that the purpose of the Reiki healing was to bring peace, happiness and health to oneself and then to others.

  • Receiving a Reiki healing can have many benefits. Benefits of Reiki include:

    • Increased awareness and energy levels.

    • Enhanced intuition and psychic abilities.

    • Promotes deep relaxation.

    • Relieves pain, anxiety and fatigue.

    • Boosts your mood.

    • Reduces insomnia.

    • Improves your quality of life.

    • Realigns energy centres (chakras).

    • Enhanced spiritual growth.

    • Stress reduction.

    • Removes negativity and provides purification.

  • No! Our Level I training covers all things Usui Reiki!

  • Yes! We have payment plan options to support you. Chloe will be in contact with you to organise this. Please note: You must pay off the entire payment plan prior to your training day.

  • Everyone!