Welcome to
Sol Alchemy.

Sol Alchemy is an online apothecary and soulful business that provides a variety of holistic healing and magical offerings. We pride ourselves in our beautifully handcrafted magical products that will support you in any part of your journey. We set intention and high vibrational energy into all our products using a mix of Reiki energy, crystals and corresponding herbs and botanicals. The creation of Sol Alchemy was nothing short of magic! Chloe Booth, the founder of Sol Alchemy, birthed this magical service during the Full Moon in Capricorn in 2022. Here’s a little backstory of how Sol Alchemy was created! After attending a Full Moon cleanse, Chloe felt called to create something new. This Full Moon release was the driving force into creating Ritual oils, potions and spell kits! Chloe has been a practicing Witch for 13 years. One day, as she was completing a ritual on her bedroom floor, she looked around at all the herbs and mess she created. And whilst this highlighted the beautiful creation mode Chloe was in, she thought that there could be an easier alternative.

In her practice, Chloe loves creating spell jars as they bottle each intention with corresponding herbs, crystals and candles. A thought rushed over her in that moment, it was time to create her own Ritual oil blends. These Ritual oils would bottle up each intention for her craft! The beautiful ideas and downloads kept coming and it was during the Full Moon in Capricorn that Chloe was ready to take this next step! For months, she tested and trialled many different ideas for Ritual oils. As Chloe extended her knowledge on herbs, flora, crystals, essential oils and magical practices, she perfected her first few oils!

Chloe uses Usui Reiki healing to infuse and activate each intention, uses corresponding herbs that align with the intention of the oil as well as crystals to enhance the energy of each Ritual oil! After launching and selling out of the first Ritual oil, the Venus oil, Chloe felt called now more than ever to continue creating! The Spell boxes were created during the first Practical Magick workshop, where each participant received their very own Spell box. As this was an online workshop, Chloe packaged a variety of witchcraft essentials and shipped them off to all the beautiful Witches who tuned in that night!

And this is where Sol Alchemy was born. If you have been following along Chloe’s journey, you may know that Sol Alchemy was originally known as the Mystic Fairy! Whilst this name change hadn’t occurred until December of 2022, there was a huge shift within Chloe’s services and this is where she’s found her true calling and passion. 

Sol Alchemy offers a safe space for people to delve into their magical and healing journey. With a variety of holistic healing and magical services on offer, Sol Alchemy is the place where you can just be. To just be yourself, to be authentic, to be connected, to be witchy and of course… to be magical!

Meet Chloe Booth.

Chloe Booth is the founder of Sol Alchemy!

Chloe is a multifaceted soul, embracing her roles as a Reiki Master, Akashic Records Teacher, Psychic Medium, Alchemist, Sound Healer and Witch.

With a profound belief in the enchantment that surrounds us, Chloe dedicates herself to supporting others in unlocking the hidden potential within and guiding them on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.

Her unique blend of spiritual talents and unwavering faith in the magic of the universe makes her a beacon of light and wisdom for those seeking profound personal growth and connection to the mystical realms.