The Alchemist.

1 month, 3 month & 6 month journeys.
Your transformative journey awaits you!

‘The Alchemist’ is more than just a program; it's a sacred and transformative journey uniquely and exclusively designed for women seeking profound change. This experience invites you to step into a sacred space where healing, magic and rituals guide you towards a deeper connection with your true self.

This journey is for you if...

  • You feel a deep calling to explore your spirituality and want to completely transform your life through healing.

  • You desire to reconnect to your inner wisdom and magic.

  • You want to work alongside a mentor who understands your needs and supports you through creating a personalised journey.

And you want to…

  • Manifest a life filled with purpose, joy and alignment with your true self.

  • Awaken your inner magic through ancient teachings and modern practices.

  • Embrace a transformative path that nurtures your mind, body and spirit.

Inside The Alchemist you will…

  • Explore all things healing, magic and rituals.

  • Learn how to live in alignment with your dream life, manifesting through the lens of the law of assumption.

  • Receive a personalised journey, that encapsulates your intention and maximises growth.

During this journey, you will be guided through a variety of experiences.
This includes but is not limited to:

❀ Intention setting
❀ Psychic development
❀ Usui Reiki healings
❀ Usui Reiki certification trainings
❀ Aura cleansing
❀ Chakra balancing
❀ Energetic clearings
❀ Angelic healings
❀ Akashic Records readings
❀ Akashic Records certification trainings
❀ Past life explorations
❀ Guided meditations
❀ Sound baths/crystal sound therapy
❀ Drumming journeys
❀ Spirit guide readings
❀ Psychic guidance Tarot/Oracle card readings
❀ Mediumship
❀ Channelling
❀ Inner child/teen exploration and healing
❀ Tarot reader training
❀ Shadow work
❀ Self concept
❀ Mindset
❀ Connection to the breath
❀ Divination practices
❀ Cacao ceremonies
❀ Cord cutting ceremonies
❀ Custom rituals
❀ Witchy practices
❀ Wheel of the Year celebrations
❀ Astrology
❀ Lunar cycles
❀ Womb connection
❀ Cyclical living
❀ Manifestation (law of attraction/law of assumption)
❀ Spiritual/soulful business support

Meet Chloe Booth.

Hi, I’m Chloe and I will be working alongside you through this journey! I created ‘The Alchemist’ as a space for the women who are ready to completely uplevel and transform their life! This isn’t like your usual ‘container’ or ‘mentorship.’ It’s much deeper. I’ll be meeting you, wherever you’re at in your journey. My intention for this space is to work alongside you. I see myself as your guide, friend and biggest cheerleader!

A little bit about my own journey. I’ve been on my healing journey for many years now, working through many past traumas. I was someone who was heavily addicted to alcohol and pills, numbing my life as it was too hard to face. I struggled to wake up everyday and see the beauty in this life. Once I dived into the world of Reiki, my life changed. I went from someone who absolutely hated her life and was ready for it all to end. To a thriving, healthy, soulful woman who is living her authentic dream life! I created my dream life and I’m so excited that I get to support you in creating yours. Let’s do this!

With love, Chloe xx

Choose your journey

1 month journey


❀ Close proximity 1:1 guidance and support.

❀ Monday-Friday voice memo support through Telegram.

❀ 2x Fortnightly 90min deep dive zoom calls with

❀ 1x Sol Alchemy Ritual box shipped
directly to you at the start of your journey.

❀ Eligible to complete your Usui Reiki
Level I certification training within
this journey (additional cost).

❀ Access to our library of resources (guided meditations, sound baths, eBooks, trainings, workshops and masterclasses) to further support your journey.

Most popular

3 month journey


❀ Close proximity 1:1 guidance and support.

❀ Monday-Friday voice memo support through Telegram.

❀ 6x Fortnightly 90min deep dive zoom calls with

❀ 3x Sol Alchemy Ritual box shipped
directly to you at the start of your journey.

❀ Complete your Usui Reiki Level I
certification training. You are also eligible
to complete your Usui Reiki Level II certification
training within this journey (additional cost).

❀ Receive instant access
to ‘Echoes of the Oracle,’ our introductory
journey into the Akashic Records
(valued at $500.00).

❀ Access to our library of resources (guided meditations, sound baths, eBooks, trainings, workshops and masterclasses) to further support your journey

6 month journey


❀ Close proximity 1:1 guidance and support.

❀ Monday-Friday voice memo support through Telegram.

❀ 12x Fortnightly 90min deep dive zoom calls with

❀ 6x Sol Alchemy Ritual box shipped
directly to you at the start of your journey.

❀ Complete your Usui Reiki Level I & Level II
certification training. You are also eligible
to complete your Usui Reiki Mastership
certification training OR Akashic Records Reader certification training within this journey (both valued at $1,500, this training is an additional cost).

❀ Receive instant access
to ‘Echoes of the Oracle,’ our introductory
journey into the Akashic Records
(valued at $500.00).

❀ Access to our library of resources (guided meditations, sound baths, eBooks, trainings, workshops and masterclasses) to further support your journey.





“Last month I decided to do something for myself… the universe lead me to Chloe and The Alchemist. Within the last 6-12 months I have discovered my psychic abilities. Chloe helped me to further my knowledge. In the month I spent with her I’ve honestly learnt so much. She is kind, nurturing and held space for me without any judgement, just pure love and support. Chloe also took me through my Level 1 Reiki training which was absolutely amazing! I cannot wait to complete my level 2 reiki with Chloe and hopefully go on to do my Mastership with her. Chloe is full of insight, skill and knowledge. Thank you so so much for holding space for me, teaching me and guiding me through this wild, beautiful journey x”

- Hannah L

Let’s work connect!

Feeling the call to work alongside Chloe? Fill out our Waitlist form below and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!