Peach Moonstone


Peach Moonstone is a gentle and nurturing crystal known as the ‘Stone of New Beginnings.’ This enchanting crystal is is known for its connection to the divine feminine energy and its ability to promote emotional healing, intuition and inner growth. Peach Moonstone is believed to resonate with the sacral and solar plexus chakras, enhancing creativity, passion and personal power. Its soothing energy helps to calm the emotions, reduce stress and promote a sense of wellbeing.

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Intuition, healing, rest, balance, harmony, creativity, purity, new beginnings, growth, compassion, divine plan, feminine energy, higher power, menstrual cycle, moon cycles, magic, fertility, protection and connection to the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

I am filled with compassion and understanding, allowing me to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease.

90g-100g bag.