Prehnite with Black Tourmaline

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Prehnite with Black Tourmaline is a powerful combination of two distinct minerals that synergise to create a unique and powerful crystal. Prehnite is known for its calming and protective qualities, promoting inner peace, harmony and emotional balance. Black Tourmaline is a highly protective stone that deflects negative energies and promotes grounding and stability. Together, Prehnite and Black Tourmaline create a crystal that not only offers protection from negativity but also supports emotional healing and spiritual growth. This combination will enhance intuition, promote self-awareness and facilitate the release of old patterns and negative emotions.

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Protection, growth, healing, peace, intuition, banishing, releasing, balance, intuition, calming and grounding.

I trust in the process of transformation and growth, allowing me to release old patterns and embrace new beginnings.

90g-100g bag.